Water Bath Canning

Water bath canning is a safe method for preserving high-acid foods.   Foods that can be canned in a water bath are:

jams and jellies 
tomato products

For water bath canning you must have the following tools:

Big canning pot
Rack (if you don’t have a rack you can use a folded towel in the bottom of the pot)
Jar lifter
Jar funnel

These items are the minimum tools you need for canning properly and safely.  There are all sorts of other gadgets out there, like items that help you measure headspace and lid lifters with a little magnet on the end, but if you have the above items – you are ready to can!

Then, of course, you need
Flats (also called snap lids)


Okay....your product is on the stove, bubbling merrily away......

Sanitize your jars, lids and rings.  If you have a dishwasher, you can wash them in the dishwasher – the heat from it is enough to sterilize everything. Otherwise, you need to boil the itmes for at least 10 minutes, lifting them carefully in and out with the jar lifter.  Leave the items in the dishwasher or the hot water until ready to use.  Another option is to add 10 minutes to your processing time in the water bath but this can affect the quality of your product.  I'm notoriously lazy and use the dishwasher.

Prepare your canner.  Place your rack in the bottom of your canner and fill your canner with water, leaving about 3-5 inches at the top to allow for room for your filled jars.    If you don't have a rack, you can line the bottom with a folded towel.   Bring your water to a boil.  Because it takes forever and a day to bring that much water to a boil, I generally start it while I am prepping my food.

Fill your jars.  Line up your jars on a heat proof surface near the stove.  You can place a towel on the counter to protect it from the hot, filled jars.  Using the funnel, ladle the prepared product into the jars, leaving the headspace recommended in your recipe.

Put on your lids.  With a dry clean dishtowel, carefully wipe the lip of the filled jars, removing any residue.  Place the flats on each jar, then finger tighten the rings – you don’t have to really torque on them - the job of the rings it to hold the flats in place until they seal.

Place your jars in the canner.  With your handy-dandy jar lifter, place the closed jars carefully into the canner.  Put them in gently because, as you know, boiling water hurts when it splashes on you.  Be careful not to let the jars touch because they could break when they bump together in the boiling water.  Make sure the lids are all completely submerged under the water.  They don't have to be under by inches - just covered.

Process the jars.  Put the lid back on and return the canner back to a rolling boil. Don't start clocking your processing time until the water is at a full boil.  Then just leave the jars in the water bath for the amount of time required in your recipe. If you want to sound productive you can refer to this as "processing your jars".

Remove the jars from the canner.  Using your jar lifter, carefully remove the jars from the boiling water.  Tip the jars to the side to allow the hot water to drip off the top.  Then place the jar on your towel or heat-proof surface.

Now, leave 'em alone!  Allow 12-24 hours for the jars to cool and seal.   You will hear a musical “pop” "plink" "ping" noise as the jars seal in the cool air – that is the lid getting sucked down and forming a seal to the lip of the jar.  

When you are ready to store the jars, you can remove the rings.  This keeps your rings from rusting because of moisture trapped between the metal ring and the jar. Test the seal by pushing down with your finger.  If it pops back and forth it is not sealed.  Put it in the refrigerator and use the unsealed product in the next few weeks. Store your sealed little gems in a cool, dark place.  (It's okay to peek in and admire them from time to time.)

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